Saturday, April 08, 2006

hermoso peru

I still can´t quite believe it, but I´m here, and everything is wonderful. The flights from London-Madrid were fine, apart from the fact that I lost/broke the 2 most important parts of my berimbau in transit..
Being reunited with Helard was and is dreamily wonderful and strangely easy after 2 months apart. You will all see soon when I develop the pictures of us together, both with smiles a mile wide!

We spent a few days in Lima where I landed, hanging out with some of Helard´s family who live just outside Lima in Callao, and who were amazing, so sweet and welcoming.
The best Lima moment has to be when we were sitting at the beach enjoying the view, chatting away, when suddenly a really big wave came and soaked us from top to toe! Menos mal that it´s still very warm and we just laughed our heads off!

We got to Arequipa yesterday, and I´ve already fallen in love with the surrounding mountains, getting used to the crazy traffic (you need to see it to believe it.. really) and the slang. It´s also been very interesting to arrive just before the general elections, all over the walls, hills and wherever possible are pictures and slogans of people going for the presidency or to enter the congress. The voting happens tomorrow, which is very strictly compulsory, if people don´t vote, the fine is about 140 soles (about 30 pounds, which is a lot for people here) and they even block all your financial transactions until you pay. Also, since last night, ¨la ley seca¨ (the dry law) started, which means it is illegal to sell alcohol and all bars are closed, until elections are over! Obviously though, like with most laws here, there are ways around it...

Will put some pictures on next time, warm hugs to all,


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